Golf Performance Coaching

Whether it's Arnie’s elliptical twirl, Lexi’s hop and step, Furyk’s swoop into the slot, or Scheffler’s shuffle - these iconic players swing their swing. They embrace exactly who they are. It’s easy to imagine well-meaning people persuading them to cut it out & square up. These great players have demonstrated the courage it takes to be a champion.

Peak golf performance demands the same respect for individual personality and habit. I help each player hone their distinctive style of managing their game. Developing one’s distinctive approach to managing nerves, accepting challenges, maintaining confidence, sustaining focus, and executing shots rests on awareness, courage, self-acceptance, and dedication. 

KHARAKTER was not only the word’s early spelling, but its original meaning was a family’s distinctive stamp. A symbol that signaled to friend or foe - this is who we are. Kharakter Sport Psychology was founded on this idea.